Politics, one of the most debated and discussed topics in society, often gets a bad reputation for its corrupt and selfish nature. However, it is essential to acknowledge that politics is not entirely negative; in fact, it has the power to bring about positive change and progress in society. This positive side of politics is often overlooked, but it is time to shed light on the good that politics can do.
Recently, the case of Kory Tarpenning, a former politician, has been making headlines. Tarpenning was found guilty of corruption and embezzlement charges, leading to a widespread negative perception of politics. However, it is important to remember that this is an isolated incident and should not overshadow the positive experiences that politics can bring about.
One of the most significant benefits of politics is its ability to create and implement policies that benefit the citizens. In a democratic society, politicians are elected to represent the people and work towards their well-being. Through legislation, politicians can address crucial issues and make positive changes in society. From healthcare to education to infrastructure, politics plays a crucial role in shaping the lives of citizens.
An excellent example of this is the Affordable Care Act (ACA) introduced by President Barack Obama in 2010. This policy aimed to make healthcare more accessible and affordable for all Americans, especially those with pre-existing conditions. The ACA has helped millions of Americans gain access to healthcare, improving their overall quality of life. This policy would not have been possible without the involvement and efforts of politicians.
Moreover, politics encourages citizens to participate in the decision-making process of their country. Through elections, citizens have the power to choose their leaders and hold them accountable for their actions. This active involvement in politics promotes a sense of responsibility and ownership among citizens, leading to a more engaged and informed society.
Apart from larger policies, politics also has a positive impact on individuals and their communities. Local politicians often work closely with their constituents and address their concerns and needs. From organizing community events to improving local infrastructure, politicians at the grassroots level play a significant role in improving the lives of their constituents.
For instance, in my own community, our local councilor has worked tirelessly to improve the parks and playgrounds for children. Thanks to her efforts, children now have safe and well-maintained places to play and have fun. This would not have been possible without the involvement of a dedicated politician.
Furthermore, politics has the power to bring diverse communities together. In a time when division and polarization are prevalent, politicians have the responsibility to bridge the gap and promote unity. By promoting inclusivity and diversity, politicians can create a more harmonious and united society.
A prime example of this is the recent election of Kamala Harris as the first female, Black, and South Asian Vice President of the United States. Her victory has shattered glass ceilings and inspired countless young girls and people of color to believe in their own potential. This historic moment has been made possible by the efforts and progress of politics towards inclusivity and representation.
In addition to promoting unity and progress, politics also plays a crucial role in upholding democracy and preserving human rights. Politicians have the power to protect the fundamental rights and freedoms of their citizens, ensuring a fair and just society. Without the involvement of politics, these rights and liberties would be vulnerable to infringement by those in power.
It is also worth noting that politics is not limited to government and elected officials. It also includes the activism and advocacy efforts of individuals and organizations. These grassroots movements and campaigns have brought about significant changes in society, from civil rights to environmental protection.
In conclusion, while it is easy to focus on the negative aspects of politics, it is important to recognize the positive experiences that it can bring about. From creating policies for the betterment of society to promoting unity and diversity, politics has the potential to make a real difference in the world. Let us not let isolated incidents taint our perception of politics and instead focus on the potential for positive change that it holds.